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About Willard

​Hi there,


A little about me. My goal in life is to sit back, watch movies, drink excellent beers and ales, and enjoy great cigars. I don't pretend to be great humanitarian or helper of mankind. I'm not interested in following the trending social causes of the day, etc. I do believe in helping your fellow man. I am a native Houstonian who has probably had more jobs than just about anyone you know. I hate rap and country music. I don't see the need to visit social media sites 20-30 times a day. I don't feel the need to let others know what I had for lunch or when I'm in a bad mood. I just got my first smartphone last year.


I know Trump is an idiot and I don't care for Republicans, particularly the really conservative ones. When I started to get into writing I followed the advice of the pros and started a blog on my site. I quit after about 5 days as I couldn't think of enough topics. I was advised to write daily but I don't. I do frequently write complaints emails and feedback to companies that have forgotten what it means to take care of their customers. Which, unfortunately is most of the companies and organizations around today. I have gone up against the likes of AT&T, Micro Center, HEB, Harris Health, Empire Pizza, Uber, Lyft, Walmart, and many, many other fuckups.


I hate reality TV and silly phrases like "social distancing". I don't watch sports. I grew up listening to Zeppelin and Zappa and getting high a lot. I don't think drugs are bad. I had some of the best times of my life partying with my friends. Many years ago a friend of mine was watching me very carefully load a pipe with hash and after I said to him "You probably think I'm an addict" he replied "No, an addict wouldn't have be having that much fun". I think political correctness is just about the stupidest thing besides that moronic ex-presidential impostor that was in the White House. I believe the music industry started going downhill rapidly with Nirvana! Actually it started to fall apart in the late '70s and early '80s with rap.


Everybody in Houston falls all over themselves to worship our 'hometown heroes' - Beyonce, Simone Biles, George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. I don't listen to Beyonce, don't care to know about Simone Biles' every move (who actually is not from Houston but a town north of Houston), George Bush Sr. was a crooked politician who got off scot-free on Iran-Contra and other misdeeds, and Bush Jr. is a frickin' idiot. I don't like pop music.  I will say that I used to consider Ronald Reagan as one of the worst Presidents but he has been topped by Rump.

Some of my interests are computers and the Internet, walking, cooking, watching movies, and music. My favorite color is purple. I live with and care for my 94 yo mom. I used to commute to work years ago and don't miss the drive! I got inspired, while looking around for work at home opportunities, to check out writing as a profession. I thought that since English was always easy for me in school, I express myself better with the written word, I have good spelling and grammar skills, and I like working from home then this writing thing may be for me. If you are interested in my writing services visit my professional site at


I have written press releases, marketing articles on the CBD business, travel articles, my struggles with OCD and depression, tips on buying a home, the decline of customer service, and consumer letters. I have been using the Internet for over 25 years so I’m well-versed in Internet research. I was even a frequent visitor to BBSes back in the day. My degree is a B.A. in Social Science.

My best friend years ago was David Wade who was a couple of years older than I. He introduced me to fried hot dogs and Arlo Guthrie's classic song, Alice's Restaurant. I miss him as he passed away in a car accident in 1979. He had a saying that I still use. He said that he was a Frisbytarian and that when you died your soul goes up onto the roof and you can't get it down. I, like many people who grew up in the 60s, went to church with my parents and just accepted the religious bullshit that was presented to us. But I grew up and realized that there is no supreme being watching over us and Jesus is dead! He's not coming back to save the world. It's up to each and every one of us to do the best we can to conquer our own problems and issues. Wars, poverty, hunger, global warming, and such are things we must deal with and solve. As my deceased father used to say, "Get with the program!"

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